lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

How to make Fuzzy Finder and Mac Vim 7.3

Hi all.
I am pretty sure that if you area fan of Fuzzy Finder for Vim and an user of Mac Vim you have to be very annoyed because of the errors from Fuzzy Finder when using the latest Mac Vim updated to the recent Vim 7.3.

This is the typical error you get when activating any Fuzzy finder mode:
E806: using Float as a String
Among others errors.
Well this problems comes because when starting Mac Vim from the Dock or Spotlight for some reason it doesn't pick up the correct locales.
More explanations in these links:

The most common solution is to launch MacVim from the using the mvim command, this way MacVim will inherit the locales from the Terminal which are correct.
But this is really annoying and I wanted to be able to launch MacVim from the Dock.
So I try setting the environment variables for my session according to the locales from the
To do this first run the locales command:
pablo@cube ~ $ locale

Then I have use the Pref Pane app called RCEnvironment to add these variables to my session.

And voila! it works!
The idea is to setup the same variables from the locale command for your session.
Happy viming!

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