martes, 26 de mayo de 2009

Me entrevistan en Dimension 2.5

Miguel de Dimension 2.5 ha tenido la gentileza de entrevistarme para su blog.La entrevista se centra principalmente sobre el camino recorrido desde mis comienzos en el 3D.Podéis echarle un vistazo aquí, espero os guste.

miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009

TDVim close to the first developer release

TDVim is close to it´s first developer release 0.0.1.
This will be the first release of the project and it will put the foundations for the whole project.
First an usable and portable config file will have the most important keymaps ready for different platforms.
The internal docs infrastructure will be done.
And finally the initiation sequence and user install ready.
I hope to have the first internal release, 0.1 very soon.