domingo, 7 de junio de 2009

TDVim Wiki Ready!

The new brand TDVim wiki is ready!
Ok is a first version and just a brief skel for the whole wiki but the foundations are there.
This wiki will be an extra source of help for many users of TDVim.
Is specially oriented to new users, they will find the web format much more easier than the usual VIM documentation.
Also the other reason to have a wiki appart from the docs integrated in vim is to have a repository for tricks and tutorials for all the VIM/TDVim users.

martes, 2 de junio de 2009

Speeder Tools basic help infraestructure is done!

Now I can begin to actually collect all the tools, pack them into OTL libraries and add the help.
I hope that with this first compilation the project will begin to get shape.
I think there is a lot of potential in this project cos there is a demand for a set of tools that makes Houdini easier out of the box, specially for mid/small studios.
More about Speeder Tools here.

My first TD College Houdini course!

Hi guys!
The past Sunday I begun to taugh my first Houdini course at TD College.
It was a great experience and I have two nice students, one from Demark and another living in Toronto.
I hope they will find the course interestin and useful and to learn from this new e-learning experience.