jueves, 24 de mayo de 2012

AT&T Archives : The UNIX System

Just for the geeks!
Some history about the UNIX operating system.
Just discovered pwd means print my working directory.
These guys were genious
People dont realise how much we own to them.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2012

Snow White and The Huntsman second trailer

 After a hard work her it is the second trailer, hope you like it.
I think the movie is looking really good and entertaining.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

La Vieja Escuela

Como primer post de lo que quiere ser una serie de artículos sobre la creación de efectos especiales y el día a día en este trabajo me gustaría hablar un poco de algo que siempre he admirado de esta profesión:  
La vieja escuela.

lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011

How to make Fuzzy Finder and Mac Vim 7.3

Hi all.
I am pretty sure that if you area fan of Fuzzy Finder for Vim and an user of Mac Vim you have to be very annoyed because of the errors from Fuzzy Finder when using the latest Mac Vim updated to the recent Vim 7.3.

This is the typical error you get when activating any Fuzzy finder mode:
E806: using Float as a String
Among others errors.
Well this problems comes because when starting Mac Vim from the Dock or Spotlight for some reason it doesn't pick up the correct locales.
More explanations in these links:

The most common solution is to launch MacVim from the Terminal.app using the mvim command, this way MacVim will inherit the locales from the Terminal which are correct.
But this is really annoying and I wanted to be able to launch MacVim from the Dock.
So I try setting the environment variables for my session according to the locales from the Terminal.app.
To do this first run the locales command:
pablo@cube ~ $ locale

Then I have use the Pref Pane app called RCEnvironment to add these variables to my session.

And voila! it works!
The idea is to setup the same variables from the locale command for your session.
Happy viming!

martes, 12 de octubre de 2010

HDK in the Mac. Using hcustom with Leopard

Well, I have recently tried to compile some custom SOPs in my Mac.
No luck at the beggining so I begin to as in the Houdini Mailing list, Odforce, but no luck.
In my first try I got these errors:
Making SOP_Flatten.o and
from SOP_Flatten.C
cc1plus: warning: command line option "-fobjc-gc-only" is valid for
ObjC/ObjC++ but not for C++
In function ‘int32 SYS_AtomicImpl::test_and_add(int32*, int)’:
error: ‘__sync_fetch_and_add’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘int32 SYS_AtomicImpl::compare_and_swap(int32*, int32,
error: ‘__sync_val_compare_and_swap’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘int64 SYS_AtomicImpl::test_and_set64(int64*, int64)’:
error: ‘__sync_lock_test_and_set’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘int64 SYS_AtomicImpl::test_and_add64(int64*, int64)’:
error: ‘__sync_fetch_and_add’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘int64 SYS_AtomicImpl::compare_and_swap64(int64*, int64,
error: ‘__sync_val_compare_and_swap’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘void SYS_AtomicImpl::store(int32*, int32,
error: ‘__sync_synchronize’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘__sync_lock_release’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘__sync_lock_test_and_set’ was not declared in this scope
In function ‘int32 SYS_AtomicImpl::load(const int32*,
error: ‘__sync_synchronize’ was not declared in this scope
error: ‘__sync_val_compare_and_swap’ was not declared in this scope
Compile failed

I am using Mac OS X 10.5.X, Leopard. So asking to SESI seems I have some problems with the gcc version.
I have been using Xcode 3.0 which uses gcc 4.0.1, whereas Houdini is compiled against gcc 4.2.
So I installed Xode 3.1.3, which is the latest version for Leopard and includes gcc-4.2.
You can grab it from here:
Now, how to use it, you can go to the dirty solution, removing cd gcc links in /usr/bin and make new ones pointing to gcc-4.2:

cd /usr/bin
rm cc gcc c++ g++
ln -s gcc-4.2 cc
ln -s gcc-4.2 gcc
ln -s c++-4.2 c++
ln -s g++-4.2 g++

Or the clean solution, don't touch the system just add some environment variables:

# Use GCC 4.2 rather tha GCC 4.0
export CC="/usr/bin/gcc-4.2"
export CPP="/usr/bin/cpp-4.2"
export CXX="/usr/bin/g++-4.2"
# Use GCC 4.2 for HDK

I put the text above in my ~/.bashrc
The first thre variables are for the usual GNU tools.
The last one is used by hcompile, the script called by hcustom to compile your DSO.
Now you can try hcustom and see your DSOs happily compiled.
Happy hacking!